Want to show your support
for Breast Cancer Research, Richland Two, and Blythewood Middle School?
You should sign up for the 2014 Walk for Life/Race for Life 5k/10k. The
race is Saturday Morning October 18th.
Show your support for helping to knock out breast cancer. Need an extra
incentive? All participants can wear their race day PINK shirts and get
FREE entry into the State Fair on Saturday October 18 or Sunday October 19th.
See Mr. Abernathy in the Media Center if your are interested. Sign-up by next Wednesday October 8th!
Lets knock out breast cancer!
Monday, September 29, 2014
Thursday, September 25, 2014
Is your child returning
from an absence? Please remember to provide an excuse for the absence.
You may provide a parent/guardian written excuse or a medical excuse.
Attendance notifications and excuses should be emailed to Mrs. Kiesha Hardy:
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
Early Dismissal Tomorrow...
Tomorrow is Early Dismissal
Thursday, September 25
Dismissal at 10:45 a.m.
Breakfast and lunch will be served.
Teachers will be available for conferences between 12:30 and 3:30 p.m. Should you have any concerns, please contact our Guidance Office to schedule a conference time. If you are unable to come in for a conference, teachers may also be reached by phone by calling the school at 691-6850.
Monday, September 22, 2014
Mrs. Dissinger's Science Class
Students designed and conducted an experiment to investigate the
effects of friction on objects.
By doing this lab, students will learn how to use the scientific
method to answer a question that they posed. After sharing their data with the
class, students have the opportunity to learn from their peers, ask questions
of each other, and evaluate the validity of data collected.
Standards this lesson covers include: Math Practice Standards of
1. Model with mathematics, 2. Construct viable arguments and critique the
reasoning of others, 3. Reason abstractly and quantitatively, 4. Use
appropriate tools strategically. ELA standards include: Research, High level
questioning, and supporting claims with evidence. Science Standards
include: 1. Ask questions and define problems, 2. Plan and conduct
investigations, 3. Use mathematical and computational thinking, 4. Construct
explanations and design solutions, 5. Engage in scientific argument from
evidence, 6. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information, 6. Analyze and
interpret data to describe and predict the effects of forces on the speed and
direction of an object.
Student learning was promoted as students were engaged in asking
testable questions, generating hypotheses, and testing their hypotheses. Because
students designed their own experiments, they took ownership of the lesson and
came up with original designs. The most important part of doing an experiment
is to share the results. Students had the opportunity to do this in class as
they explained their data with graphs they created. This allows students to
peer critique each other and learn how to modify experiments in order to get
better results.
Parent University
October 14th, 2014
6:00 to
7:35 p.m.
BMS parents are always eager to learn
how they can help their children succeed.
Parent University strives to satisfy that desire by providing courses
that address a variety of student needs.
This semester’s choices include three 45 minute classes.
Please go to http://goo.gl/qdLyLF
to register for up to two classes. Or,
if you prefer, you may sign and return a hard copy of this form to
your child’s homeroom teacher. Choose only two:
Getting to
Know Edmodo,Google chrome and Google classroom (at 6:00 and 6:50 p.m.)
___Mrs. Christy Brown and Mrs. Denise Webster will teach parents
the basics of Google Drive, Google Classroom, and Edmodo. Students use
these various educational tools in their classrooms to post assignments, view
assignments, take quizzes, and collaborate with their peers.
___Tips for Developing
Organizational Skills in Students (6:00 and 6:50p.m.) –Strong
organizational skills are a determinant factor for success in school and life.
Likewise, there is a correlation between disorganization and poor grades and
school performance. Having good
organizational skills is a learned behavior that requires practice. The
parental role in teaching children organizational skills is a significant one.
If your child has poor organizational skills, you may benefit from this
session. Dr.Richel Sion-Johnson, school
psychologist at Blythewood Middle School, will share information and practical
tips that will help parents with teaching their children organizational skills
with a focus on students with ADHD.
_____Charting your Child’s Academic
Course (at 6:00 and 6:50 p.m.)
Dr. Cheryl Canty-Caughman, our Director of Guidance, will share information
about the academic choices available in middle school. She will show how academic decisions and
achievement in middle school prepare our students for success in high school.
will not be able to attend.
__________________________ __________________________ _________________
Parent’s signature Your Child’s Name Homeroom
return the upper portion of this form to your child’s homeroom teacher. Your signature lets us know that you received
this information. Or, if you prefer, go
to http://goo.gl/GIXKKT
register for courses. Mark your calendar for:
Parent University: Tuesday, October 14th,
6:00 p.m.
Friday, September 19, 2014
It's Interim Report Time!
Interims & Parent
Interim reports at Blythewood Middle School are accessible via Parent Portal.
If you have an active Parent Portal account, you may check your child's grades
each week. September 17th was our first official interim grade for each subject
area. When you log in to your account, the grades will automatically appear on
the screen. There is not a report tab to click in Parent Portal.
It is important to monitor your child's progress through Parent Portal before
report cards are issued. If you note that grades are not being updated
regularly, please contact the appropriate grade-level administrator, guidance
counselor or Mrs. Mazyck. The first grading period ends on October
24th and the first report card will be issued on October 29th.
You can access Parent Portal at https://parents.richland2.org.
Create a Parent Portal Account
1. Click Create an Account
2. Complete the top section with your personal information.
3. Add your child(ren) in the fields below. To add student(s), you will need to
enter an Access ID and Access Password.
a. Access ID - Student ID number (please make sure 7900 is in the beginning of
the number-if not please add it). Access Password - Student’s birthday, using
6-digits without dashes or slashes.
Example: MMDDYY - 010104
4. Click Submit.
If you have any questions, please call the school at 691-6850 EXT 85411.
We appreciate your support. Thank you!
Thursday, September 18, 2014
Picture Day is tomorrow!
School picture day is tomorrow,
September 19. Your child should have received a picture form last week. If not, have them pick one up in the school's lobby. Bring your envelope with money Friday, September 19. All picture orders are prepaid. To pay on-line visit:
www.strawbridge.net. Use the following code: (1067)
*After you have paid online, Strawbridge will give you an ONLINE PAYMENT CODE. Your child MUST HAVE THE ONLINE PAYMENT CODE with form on picture day to order pictures.
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Ms. Dobyns' students show off their talents...
Congratulations to our new School Improvement Council!
Congratulations to the School Improvement Council for the 2014-2015 school year. Thank you all for your support and interest in our School Improvement Council. Thanks to several returning members serving their second year and the new members joining us, we are sure to have a productive and outstanding year in 2014-2015! We are excited and looking forward to working together and serving with you this school year.
Our first School Improvement Council meeting will be Monday, September 29th in our Media Center.
Martie Summerford, Cassandra Wormack, Gary Alexander, Latonya Freeman, Jenniffer Roof, Chaudra White and Joy Haynie.
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
Greetings Charger Families!
Greetings Charger Families,
Thank you for coming out to join
us for Open House on Thursday, September 11, 2014. We had a full house and appreciate you taking
time from your busy day to check in on your child(ren’s) progress. It’s hard to believe that we are already four
weeks into the school year. We know that
you are eager to see how your child is doing academically. As a reminder, due to grades being available
on Parent Portal, interim reports will NOT be printed, instead, your child's
interim report(s) will be available for viewing on Wednesday, September
17th. If you have questions or concerns
regarding your child's grades you may choose to schedule a conference with your
child's teacher on our Early Release day scheduled for Thursday, September
Also, please note that our first
home football game will be held on Wednesday, September 17th at 4:00. Our Chargers had their season openers for
football and volleyball last week at Dent Middle School and brought home two
wins! We are looking to follow that up
with another win. Please come out and
support our team. There will NOT be a volleyball game this
week, however. The cost of the football
game is $4 and students must have a student ID for entrance. Students will NOT be allowed to stay after school! All students MUST go home after school and report back if they desire to
attend the game.
In order to further ensure our
students’ safety, parents we ask for your continued support and assistance with
the traffic flow in the morning in our front car rider area. As you approach, please always pull all the
way up to the designated sign or as far up as possible and ONLY drop students off under the canopy. If traffic begins to back up, we ask that you
wait until the cars ahead of you have pulled up to the canopy area. Dropping off at the end of the side walk
instead of pulling up to the canopy continues to slow the car rider area down
and prevents other drivers from pulling into the school gates. This causes traffic to back up onto the main
road instead of allowing cars to enter into the school lot. Thank you for your assistance with ensuring
our students’ safety.
Finally, Blythewood Middle School
picture day is scheduled for Friday, September 19th. Picture order forms were sent home with
students Friday, September 12. If
students desire to purchase pictures, they must have their picture envelope with payment prior to having their
picture taken on Friday, September 19th. Pictures provide us with memories for the future. Be sure to purchase a picture package to
capture these wonderful middle school years!
Charged about Teaching &
Karis M. Mazyck,
Ms. Parker's Class
Ms. Parker's 6th Grade Math Classes have been working hard!
Give a child a number and they can learn to "add" onto it their entire life...
Look how hard these Math Whiz's have been working, in their Math Interactive Notebooks. Kudos to them for using an AVID Strategy!

You may not realize it but numbers are part of our everyday lifestyle. That's why it is so important for our children to take Math.
This class is creating a poster depicting the integer rules for adding and subtracting (kids in groups on floors). The other groups are creating their own mini-poster (working independently).
Tdap Alert!
This is a reminder that all 7th grade students are required to have a Tdap vaccine for the 2014-2015 school year.The deadline for immunization compliance for 7th grade students is September 30, 2014. If you have not already turned in a copy of your child’s immunization record please do so. After September 30, 2014, your child will be excluded from school until proof of having obtained the required vaccine is obtained. If you have questions or concerns please contact your school nurse, Beth Gladden, R.N. at 691-6850, ext. 85410.
Spanish 101
"Learning a World Language is like riding a bike."
7th grade Spanish students experienced first hand how learning a world language is like riding a bike. Learning Spanish is a process which requires "training wheels", someone who shows you how to do it, effort and persistence. These life skills were modeled as Tim, Les Mills RPM instructor, showed the 7th grade class how to challenge themselves during the ride and enjoy the results.
Students were very excited and some of their comments were:
"I learned that to accomplish something that is challenging, you have to get of your seat and pedal harder"
"It was hard, but I'm feeling very proud of myself right now"
"It was a new thing for me and I was scared."
"It was hard, but I tried it and really enjoyed it. I guess learning Spanish is like that"
This Friday is Picture Day!
Mark your calendars!
School picture day is Friday,
September 19. Your child should have received a picture form last week. If not, have them pick one up in the school's lobby. Bring your envelope with money Friday, September 19. All picture orders are prepaid. To pay on-line visit:
www.strawbridge.net. Use the following code: (1067)
*After you have paid online, Strawbridge will give you an ONLINE PAYMENT CODE. Your child MUST HAVE THE ONLINE PAYMENT CODE with form on picture day to order pictures.
Friday, September 12, 2014
Early Dismissal
Early Dismissal
Thursday, September 25
Dismissal at 10:45 a.m.
Breakfast and lunch will be served.
Teachers will be available for conferences between 12:30 and 3:30 p.m. Should you have any concerns, please contact our Guidance Office to schedule a conference time. If you are unable to come in for a conference, teachers may also be reached by phone by calling the school at 691-6850.
Thursday, September 11, 2014
How to Sign Up for our blog!
Did you know that by signing up for the blog, you will get the latest information about what is going on at Blythewood Middle School straight to your email's inbox. It's quick and east and only takes a minute. See the attached power point and follow the quick and easy steps...
Chromebook Protection Plan PLEASE READ
Chromebook Protection Plan
This year the district has a new protection plan in place. Please read the plans so you are aware of fees if something should happen. Click on the link that pertains to your child below.
Take Home: https://docs.google.com/a/richland2.org/document/d/13T95PO1B79SbYzGKMo2Symx17yE4k_VMpxifDwwL-Yc/edit

Muffins with mom is tomorrow!
Don't forget to come in for Muffins with Mom on Friday, September 12, 2014 from 7-8 am in the Media Center!
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
Attention 8th Grade Students and Parents:
Attention 8th
grade students:
Eighth grade
students will have the opportunity to take the PSAT during school on Wednesday,
October 15, 2014 at BMS. The cost to take the PSAT is $14.00 and the deadline
to register for the test is October 9, 2014. If your child qualifies for free
lunch there will be no cost to take the test. If your child qualifies for
reduced lunch cost will be $8.40. Please make checks payable to Blythewood
Middle School. If you have any questions contact Marcella McCoy (A-K) or
Dr.Cheryl Canty (L-Z) at 691-6850 ext. 85407 or 85405.
Tuesday, September 9, 2014
Bounce Back with REBOUND
Where would you be without second chances? At BMS, we want to provide that opportunity for our students. Rebound is the opportunity for your child to “G.R.A.B. a Rebound” and improve their test score. If your child makes a grade on a test that they are unhappy with, they will have an opportunity to retake another form of the test that will result in the average of the two grades. The replacement test will not be harder, but it will be a different format from the one that they did not score their personnel best on in class.
How does Rebound work?
We have told students to G.R.A.B. a Rebound:
G - get a Rebound form from their teacher when they receive the graded test
R - return the form within 2 school days to the teacher who issued the test
A - attend required tutoring prior to the test by either the teacher, parent, or private tutor
B - “be there” (in the media center by 2:30 on your designated day of retest)
Please note: this does not provide total grade replacement, but will result in an average of the two grades even if the second test grade is lower. Please ensure that your child prepares adequately for the retest opportunity. Retests must be completed within two Thursdays following receipt of the graded test. We realize anyone can have a bad day, so encourage your child to “G.R.A.B. a Rebound”!
REBOUND will start on Thursday, September 18, 2014 from 2:30-3:30 P.M. and will be every Thursday. Please make sure you check our calender on the home page of this blog for any changes in the schedule.
Monday, September 8, 2014
It's Book Fair Time
The Book Fair has started...
“When you sell a man a book you don't sell him just 12 ounces of paper and ink and glue - you sell him a whole new life.”
- Christopher Morley
Book Fair:
The Scholastic Book Fair will be held in the BMS Media Center September 8th through September 11th from 7am-2:30pm and September 12th from 7am-12pm. The Book Fair will be open during BMS PTO Open House night on September 11th from 6pm-8pm and during Muffins for Mom September 12th from 7-8am.
Students will visit the book fair with their Language Arts classes and individually with a pass from their teacher. Stop by and support reading at BMS!
Muffins with Mom
Friday, September 12, 2014
Don't forget to come in for Muffins with Mom on Friday, September 12, 2014 from 7-8 am in the Media Center!
Thursday, September 4, 2014
Knowledge is Growing at BMS
Ms. Russ's 7th Grade Language Arts Classes
Ms. Russ's 7th grade LA classes have been working on how to analyze informational text. This skill will help prepare them as they transition to learning about the research process. Students created anchor charts about non-fiction, which included the elements of non-fiction, as well as the steps to analyzing these types texts.

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