Friday, December 21, 2018
8th Grade Field Study Information...
8th Grade Field Study
to Pigeon Forge, TN
May 24-26
Information packets will be sent home on Monday, January 7th. Information will be sent home via email this afternoon.
First payments not due until
Thursday, December 20, 2018
Fall Exam Schedule...
January 10 ~ Language Arts
January 11 ~ Science
Monday, January 14 ~ Math
Monday, January 14 ~ Math
January 15 ~ Social
January 16 ~ Spanish
January 17 ~ Make-up
BMS Soccer Conditioning...
Boys and Girls soccer conditioning will start Tuesday, December 4th, 2018 through Thursday, January 24th. The first week of conditioning will be Tuesday, December 4th - Thursday, December 6th from 2:30 PM to 4:00 PM. All participants must have an updated physical on file in order to participate. Participating in conditioning does not guarantee a spot on the team.
Athletic Packet
Athletic Packet
Starting December 10th, conditioning will take place four days a week, Monday-Thursday. Both Coaches will condition their participants together. Students must report to the gym immediately after school. Please contact Mr. EL-Amin, or 803-691-6850 ext. 85420, if needing more information.
Boys and Girls Soccer Conditioning Dates: All Conditioning Times are 2:30-4:00 PM. Meet in the Gym directly after school.
Week 1: Tuesday-Thursday, December 4th-6th
Week 2: Monday-Thursday, December 10th-13th
Week 3: Monday-Thursday, December 17th-20th
Week 4: Monday-Thursday, January 7th - 10th
Week 5: Monday-Thursday, January 14th - 17th
Week 6: Tuesday-Thursday, January 22nd - 24th Wednesday, December 19, 2018
Safety Drill Conducted Today...
Dear Blythewood Middle Parents,
Today at 1:15 p.m. our students and employees conducted a school-wide lockdown drill. This allowed us to practice what to do if there is ever an intruder on our campus.
The goals of drills throughout the school year are to improve our ability to keep our students and employees safe. These practice drills allow us to evaluate our emergency operation plans and improve our response skills.
Please talk with your child, if you deem it appropriate, about the drill. Our goal, while practicing important safety procedures, is to be sure all students feel safe.
If you have any questions or need further information, please do not hesitate to call us. Thank you for helping us keep the safety and welfare of our students our number one priority.
Get your Yearbook before the price goes up...
Yearbooks are on sale for only $40. The price goes up to $45 on January 7th. Order your copy today on parent portal or in the library.
High School Spring Sports...
Parents and Students:
Students interested in trying out for spring sports at the high schools can visit any Richland Two high school website for more information.
Tuesday, December 18, 2018
BMS Soccer Conditioning...
Boys and Girls soccer conditioning will start Tuesday, December 4th, 2018 through Thursday, January 24th. The first week of conditioning will be Tuesday, December 4th - Thursday, December 6th from 2:30 PM to 4:00 PM. All participants must have an updated physical on file in order to participate. Participating in conditioning does not guarantee a spot on the team.
Athletic Packet
Athletic Packet
Starting December 10th, conditioning will take place four days a week, Monday-Thursday. Both Coaches will condition their participants together. Students must report to the gym immediately after school. Please contact Mr. EL-Amin, or 803-691-6850 ext. 85420, if needing more information.
Boys and Girls Soccer Conditioning Dates: All Conditioning Times are 2:30-4:00 PM. Meet in the Gym directly after school.
Week 1: Tuesday-Thursday, December 4th-6th
Week 2: Monday-Thursday, December 10th-13th
Week 3: Monday-Thursday, December 17th-20th
Week 4: Monday-Thursday, January 7th - 10th
Week 5: Monday-Thursday, January 14th - 17th
Week 6: Tuesday-Thursday, January 22nd - 24th Monday, December 17, 2018
BHS AVID Applications for Rising 9th Graders...
Blythewood High School's 2019-2020 AVID application is now open for rising 9th graders who are zoned for BHS and would like to apply for AVID.
Friday, December 14, 2018
Student Art ~ Music Concert Programs...
Each year art students have the opportunity to submit original artwork to be used for the Concert Programs for Band, Chorus, and Orchestra. This year 6 students had the privileges of their designs being printed and shown to all guests of the winter concerts. Here are images of student work, with the honorable mentions presented first and the finalists last.
Thursday, December 13, 2018
Interim Report #2 Quarter 2...

Please be reminded that our first interim report for the 2018-2019 year was sent home as paper copy. Parents are reminded that all other interim reports at Blythewood Middle School will be accessible via Parent Portal (paper copies will not be printed).
The second interim of the 2nd Nine Weeks is now available for parent review. Report Cards will be issued on January 24th.
It is important to monitor your child’s grades through Parent Portal before report cards are issued. If you note that grades are not being updated regularly please contact the appropriate grade-level administrator, counselor or Mrs. Mazyck.
If you have an Active Parent Portal account you may check your child’s grades each week. When you log into your account, the grades will automatically appear on the screen. There is not a “report” tab to click on in Parent Portal.
BMS Soccer Conditioning...
Boys and Girls soccer conditioning will start Tuesday, December 4th, 2018 through Thursday, January 24th. The first week of conditioning will be Tuesday, December 4th - Thursday, December 6th from 2:30 PM to 4:00 PM. All participants must have an updated physical on file in order to participate. Participating in conditioning does not guarantee a spot on the team.
Athletic Packet
Athletic Packet
Starting December 10th, conditioning will take place four days a week, Monday-Thursday. Both Coaches will condition their participants together. Students must report to the gym immediately after school. Please contact Mr. EL-Amin, or 803-691-6850 ext. 85420, if needing more information.
Boys and Girls Soccer Conditioning Dates: All Conditioning Times are 2:30-4:30 PM. Meet in the Gym directly after school.
Week 1: Tuesday-Thursday, December 4th-6th
Week 2: Monday-Thursday, December 10th-13th
Week 3: Monday-Thursday, December 17th-20th
Week 4: Monday-Thursday, January 7th - 10th
Week 5: Monday-Thursday, January 14th - 17th
Week 6: Tuesday-Thursday, January 22nd - 24th Wednesday, December 12, 2018
PSAT Scores are Available...
PSAT scores are available.
Log into or create a College Board account online at to see scores and test performance feedback.
Impact Aid Form Due Tomorrow...
Hello Parents,
If you have not completed your child's Impact Aid form, please do so today. The Impact Aid Program funds become part of Richland School District Two's general operating budget and are critical to maintaining high standards for educational excellence. If you would like access to an electronic copy, please click on this link Impact Aid .
High School Spring Sports...
Parents and Students:
Students interested in trying out for spring sports at the high schools can visit any Richland Two high school website for more information.
Talent Show Volunteers Needed...
The Talent Show fundraiser for the Arts and Electives needs your help! By attending the event, you help our arts and elective classes pay for needed supplies and other funds not covered by the school district. Please consider attending, and volunteers are also needed (see link below for volunteer opportunities). We appreciate your support during this very busy season.
Tuesday, December 11, 2018
"Mock School-Wide Write" is Tomorrow...
Blythewood Middle School will be conducting our "Mock School-wide Write" tomorrow, Wednesday, December 12th. The "Mock School-wide Write" will provide students with a writing prompt similar to the SC Ready, end of the year test, that all students, 3rd - 8th grade, will take. The "Mock School-wide Writing" will not be graded, instead, it will serve as a guide for ELA teachers regarding areas that they need to provide additional instruction as we continue to prepare our students for the writing assessment in the Spring.
BMS Soccer Conditioning...
Boys and Girls soccer conditioning will start Tuesday, December 4th, 2018 through Thursday, January 24th. The first week of conditioning will be Tuesday, December 4th - Thursday, December 6th from 2:30 PM to 4:00 PM. All participants must have an updated physical on file in order to participate. Participating in conditioning does not guarantee a spot on the team.
Athletic Packet
Athletic Packet
Starting December 10th, conditioning will take place four days a week, Monday-Thursday. Both Coaches will condition their participants together. Students must report to the gym immediately after school. Please contact Mr. EL-Amin, or 803-691-6850 ext. 85420, if needing more information.
Boys and Girls Soccer Conditioning Dates: All Conditioning Times are 2:30-4:00 PM. Meet in the Gym directly after school.
Week 1: Tuesday-Thursday, December 4th-6th
Week 2: Monday-Thursday, December 10th-13th
Week 3: Monday-Thursday, December 17th-20th
Week 4: Monday-Thursday, January 7th - 10th
Week 5: Monday-Thursday, January 14th - 17th
Week 6: Tuesday-Thursday, January 22nd - 24th Monday, December 10, 2018
BHS AVID Applications for Rising 9th Graders...
Blythewood High School's 2019-2020 AVID application is now open for rising 9th graders who are zoned for BHS and would like to apply for AVID.
Friday, December 7, 2018
High School Spring Sports...
Parents and Students:
Students interested in trying out for spring sports at the high schools can visit any Richland Two high school website for more information.
Thursday, December 6, 2018
BMS Soccer Conditioning...
Boys and Girls soccer conditioning will start Tuesday, December 4th, 2018 through Thursday, January 24th. The first week of conditioning will be Tuesday, December 4th - Thursday, December 6th from 2:30 PM to 4:00 PM. All participants must have an updated physical on file in order to participate. Participating in conditioning does not guarantee a spot on the team.
Athletic Packet
Athletic Packet
Starting December 10th, conditioning will take place four days a week, Monday-Thursday. Both Coaches will condition their participants together. Students must report to the gym immediately after school. Please contact Mr. EL-Amin, or 803-691-6850 ext. 85420, if needing more information.
Boys and Girls Soccer Conditioning Dates: All Conditioning Times are 2:30-4:00 PM. Meet in the Gym directly after school.
Week 1: Tuesday-Thursday, December 4th-6th
Week 2: Monday-Thursday, December 10th-13th
Week 3: Monday-Thursday, December 17th-20th
Week 4: Monday-Thursday, January 7th - 10th
Week 5: Monday-Thursday, January 14th - 17th
Week 6: Tuesday-Thursday, January 22nd - 24th Wednesday, December 5, 2018
Tuesday, December 4, 2018
Congratulations BMS Honor Band Students...
Congratulations to the following BMS 8th Grade Band students who, after auditioning, earned a seat in the 2018 Richland 2 Middle School Honor Band. After rehearsals on Friday, November 30th and Saturday, December 1st, the students performed an outstanding concert Saturday afternoon under the direction of their clinician, Mr. Daryl Byrd, band director at Crayton Middle School. (Pictured from left to right: Allyson Chipps, Karlese Sears, Hannah Spikes, Isaiah Gamez, Rhyan Harp, Mikayla Rembert, Kaden Wade, Emily Comisky, Jesse Woodley, Bobby Bond, Not Pictured: Caleb Blanton).
BMS Soccer Conditioning...
Boys and Girls soccer conditioning will start Tuesday, December 4th, 2018 through Thursday, January 24th. The first week of conditioning will be Tuesday, December 4th - Thursday, December 6th from 2:30 PM to 4:00 PM. All participants must have an updated physical on file in order to participate. Participating in conditioning does not guarantee a spot on the team.
Athletic Packet
Athletic Packet
Starting December 10th, conditioning will take place four days a week, Monday-Thursday. Both Coaches will condition their participants together. Students must report to the gym immediately after school. Please contact Mr. EL-Amin, or 803-691-6850 ext. 85420, if needing more information.
Boys and Girls Soccer Conditioning Dates: All Conditioning Times are 2:30-4:00 PM. Meet in the Gym directly after school.
Week 1: Tuesday-Thursday, December 4th-6th
Week 2: Monday-Thursday, December 10th-13th
Week 3: Monday-Thursday, December 17th-20th
Week 4: Monday-Thursday, January 7th - 10th
Week 5: Monday-Thursday, January 14th - 17th
Week 6: Tuesday-Thursday, January 22nd - 24th Monday, December 3, 2018
BHS AVID Applications for Rising 9th Graders...
Blythewood High School's 2019-2020 AVID application is now open for rising 9th graders who are zoned for BHS and would like to apply for AVID.
High School Spring Sports...
Parents and Students:
Students interested in trying out for spring sports at the high schools can visit any Richland Two high school website for more information.
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