Tuesday, March 31, 2020
Monday, March 30, 2020
Counselor's Corner: Character the Blythewood Way...
Character the Blythewood Way
Habit 5-Seek First to Understand Then to be Understood-Listen Before You Talk…The Core Principle we will Spotlight this week is Curiosity. Curiosity is defined as a strong desire to know or learn something. It is a craving, a longing, a passion for knowledge. Curiosity allows you to embrace unfamiliar circumstances, giving you a greater opportunity to experience discovery and joy. Indeed, studies show that life is better when you're curious. Being curious about the world around you is a great habit to develop. It makes life more interesting. It gets rid of boredom. And it can help you to make the world a better place. What could your curiosity inspire?
“The cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for curiosity.” – Dorothy Parker
“Curiosity is one of the permanent and certain characteristics of a vigorous intellect.” – Samuel Johnson
“The future belongs to the curious.The ones who are not afraid to try it, explore it, poke at it, question it, and turn it inside out.” – Anonymous
― Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart
“Remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Try to make sense of what you see and wonder about what makes the universe exist. Be curious. And however difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at.
It matters that you don't just give up.”
It matters that you don't just give up.”
― Stephen Hawking
Sunday, March 29, 2020
Media Center News: Kwame Alexander Fans...
For all the Kwame Alexander fans...
Kwame Alexander will be reading The Crossover on Monday, March 30th at 10:30am on Instagram Live
Check out this link for more information
Thursday, March 26, 2020
Counselor's Corner: Family Conversation Starter Game...
Family Conversation Starters
Instructions: Print and cut out the conversations cards below. If you are unable to print, create your own on small pieces of paper. Find a container. Reuse a food container, discarded toy, or just use a plastic bag. Keep your cards in and place it on the kitchen table or another place where you gather for family time.
Additional Tips for Family Conversation:
Discuss each family member’s day.
Ask questions that can’t be answered with one word.
Discuss current events. Bring up news that is appropriate to the age of your child(ren)
Let all family member’s talk
Be an active listener and be sure your child(ren) listen as well.
Wednesday, March 25, 2020
Tuesday, March 24, 2020
Counselor's Corner: Family Conversation Starter Game...
Family Conversation Starters
Instructions: Print and cut out the conversations cards below. If you are unable to print, create your own on small pieces of paper. Find a container. Reuse a food container, discarded toy, or just use a plastic bag. Keep your cards in and place it on the kitchen table or another place where you gather for family time.
Additional Tips for Family Conversation:
Discuss each family member’s day.
Ask questions that can’t be answered with one word.
Discuss current events. Bring up news that is appropriate to the age of your child(ren)
Let all family member’s talk
Be an active listener and be sure your child(ren) listen as well.
Monday, March 23, 2020
Counselor's Corner: Character the Blythewood Way...
Character the Blythewood Way
Habit 5- Seek First to Understand Then to be understood-Listen Before You Talk...
The Core Principle word we will be Spotlighting this week is Courage. Courage is the ability to meet danger or pain without giving in to fear. It means doing the right thing even when it’s scary or difficult. Courage shows up in many ways all around you. Courage is standing up for a friend, helping someone in need or sticking with something that is hard for you to do. … As a young person courage is one of the most important things you can develop. Having courage makes you a better person, a better student and a better citizen. Have you ever done something that you knew was the right thing to do, but you were scared to do it? Or maybe you did something that looked very hard, but you decided to try it. That is courage in action and you probably felt very good about what you did. And you should!
“Courage is doing what you’re afraid to do. There can be no courage unless you’re scared.” – Edward Vernon Rickenbacker
“Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.” – Winston Churchill
“It takes courage for people to listen to their own goodness and act on it.” – Pablo Casals
“He is courageous who endures and fears the right thing, for the right motive, in the right way and at the right times.” – Aristotle
“Courage doesn’t always roar. Sometimes courage is the little voice at the end of the day that says I’ll try again tomorrow.” – Mary Anne Radmacher
Sunday, March 22, 2020
Thursday, March 19, 2020
A Message from the Counselor's Corner...
Hello Parents,
This is a great article with tips on talking with your child(ren) about the Coronavirus.
A Message from the School Nurse...
Charger Families,
Should you need to contact me, please find my email address listed below:
Stay Safe,
Nurse Boineau
E-Learning Begins Today...
Good Morning Charger Families,
Our e-learning begins today. In most instances, teachers have already begun posting the assignments in Google Classroom. Office hours/contact hours for teachers during this time are 9:00 am - 10:30 am and again from 2:30 pm - 4:00 pm. If you or your child(ren) have questions regarding an assignment, they can email the teacher during these timeframes.
While assignments can be completed at the students’ own pace, please encourage your child(ren) to create a regular schedule and stay on top of the assignments so that things don’t start to pile up
Parents, thank you for your patience and your continued support of our teachers and all of our staff during this time.
Stay safe and know that we miss our students!
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
A quick reminder from BMS...
Good Morning Charger Families,
Just a quick reminder, only K-5 students will have packets, 6th grade - 8th grade students at BMS will have their assignments delivered via our Google Classroom platform. E-learning will begin tomorrow, Thursday, March 18th.
Thank you,
The Admin Team
A Message from Blythewood Middle School...
Out of an abundance of caution, as our district continues to monitor COVID-19, we have decided to postpone the following events:
*Day of Awesomeness - March 16
*Day of Awesomeness - March 16
*PTO Spirit Night @ Marble Slab - March 19
*Premier Ladies Breakfast Celebration- March 24
*Honor Roll Parade - April 6
We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused, but wanted to inform everyone as soon as possible of the change. We will let you know of a rescheduled date as soon as possible. As always, thank you for your support.
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Monday, March 16, 2020
3/16/2020 @7:00pm uodate from BMS...
Good Evening Charger Families,
Today our District Office personnel, school administrators, Curriculum Effectiveness Teachers, and Technology Learning Coaches worked diligently on creating our e-learning plan for our students.
Tomorrow, our teachers will begin creating
e-lessons for our students. E-learning will begin for our students on Thursday, March 19th. We know that you have several questions and we hope to answer them all. Please stay tuned for more detailed information that will be shared tomorrow.
We sincerely appreciate your patience and support.
The Admin Team
A Message from Blythewood Middle School...
Out of an abundance of caution, as our district continues to monitor COVID-19, we have decided to postpone the following events:
*Day of Awesomeness - March 16
*Day of Awesomeness - March 16
*PTO Spirit Night @ Marble Slab - March 19
*Premier Ladies Breakfast Celebration- March 24
*Honor Roll Parade - April 6
We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused, but wanted to inform everyone as soon as possible of the change. We will let you know of a rescheduled date as soon as possible. As always, thank you for your support.
BMS Families...
Greetings Charger Families,
Please know that the District Office, along with your Blythewood Middle School faculty/staff will be providing more information regarding plans for student e-learning/remote learning later this week.
Please be patient with us during this time. We will continue to provide you with regular updates as they become available.
The Admin Team
Saturday, March 14, 2020
A Message from Blythewood Middle School...
Out of an abundance of caution, as our district continues to monitor COVID-19, we have decided to postpone the following events:
*Day of Awesomeness - March 16
*Day of Awesomeness - March 16
*PTO Spirit Night @ Marble Slab - March 19
*Premier Ladies Breakfast Celebration- March 24
*Honor Roll Parade - April 6
We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused, but wanted to inform everyone as soon as possible of the change. We will let you know of a rescheduled date as soon as possible. As always, thank you for your support.
Friday, March 13, 2020
A Message from Blythewood Middle School...
Out of an abundance of caution, as our district continues to monitor COVID-19, we have decided to postpone the following events:
*Day of Awesomeness - March 16
*Day of Awesomeness - March 16
*PTO Spirit Night @ Marble Slab - March 19
*Premier Ladies Breakfast Celebration- March 24
*Honor Roll Parade - April 6
*Honor Roll Parade - April 6
We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused, but wanted to inform everyone as soon as possible of the change. We will let you know of a rescheduled date as soon as possible. As always, thank you for your support.
Thursday, March 12, 2020
Interim Report #2 Quarter 3...

Please be reminded that our first interim report for the 2019-2020 year was sent home as paper copy. Parents are reminded that all other interim reports at Blythewood Middle School will be accessible via Parent Portal (paper copies will not be printed).
The second interim of the 3rd Nine Weeks is now available for parent review. Report Cards will be issued on April 2nd.
It is important to monitor your child’s grades through Parent Portal before report cards are issued. If you note that grades are not being updated regularly please contact the appropriate grade-level administrator, counselor or Mrs. Mazyck.
If you have an Active Parent Portal account you may check your child’s grades each week. When you log into your account, the grades will automatically appear on the screen. There is not a “report” tab to click on in Parent Portal.
Wednesday, March 11, 2020
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
High School Cheer Tryouts...
Westwood High School
Cheerleading Tryouts is here!! Get ready for a new and fresh year!!
We will have TWO interest meetings and you MUST attend one in order to tryout! The first meeting will be March 6, 2020 during lunch for students interested! The second meeting will be March 10, 2020 for parents! Returning parents at 5:30pm - New parents at 6:30pm! We will discuss schedule, team requirements, financial obligations and any questions you may have!
The date of tryouts will be April 21st through the 24th! Times are as follows:
Tuesday - Thursday 4:00pm- 6:30pm
Friday 4:00pm Until
We will also host a cheer clinic prior to spring break! April 6-10 from 4:00p-6:00p! What is this clinic for? We will go over all basics of traditional cheerleading, stomp n shake, competitive and sport specific conditioning! This is for anyone who is interested in the sport! You must have your UPDATED PHYSICAL (dated after April 1, 2020) ON FILE OR READY TO SUBMIT upon arrival!
We can not wait to see you all at this years tryouts!! This is gonna be our best year yet!
Cheer Information
Interest Meetings :
March 6, 2020 during Lunch
March __, 2020 @ 5:30p & 6:30p
Cheer Tryout Clinic:
April 6, 2020 - April 10, 2020
4:00p - 600p
April 21, 2020 - April 23, 2020
4:00p - 6:00p
April 24, 2020
4:00p - UNTIL
Any questions?
Email : westwoodhighcheer@gmail.com
Monday, March 9, 2020
High School Cheer Tryouts...
Westwood High School
Cheerleading Tryouts is here!! Get ready for a new and fresh year!!
We will have TWO interest meetings and you MUST attend one in order to tryout! The first meeting will be March 6, 2020 during lunch for students interested! The second meeting will be March 10, 2020 for parents! Returning parents at 5:30pm - New parents at 6:30pm! We will discuss schedule, team requirements, financial obligations and any questions you may have!
The date of tryouts will be April 21st through the 24th! Times are as follows:
Tuesday - Thursday 4:00pm- 6:30pm
Friday 4:00pm Until
We will also host a cheer clinic prior to spring break! April 6-10 from 4:00p-6:00p! What is this clinic for? We will go over all basics of traditional cheerleading, stomp n shake, competitive and sport specific conditioning! This is for anyone who is interested in the sport! You must have your UPDATED PHYSICAL (dated after April 1, 2020) ON FILE OR READY TO SUBMIT upon arrival!
We can not wait to see you all at this years tryouts!! This is gonna be our best year yet!
Cheer Information
Interest Meetings :
March 6, 2020 during Lunch
March __, 2020 @ 5:30p & 6:30p
Cheer Tryout Clinic:
April 6, 2020 - April 10, 2020
4:00p - 600p
April 21, 2020 - April 23, 2020
4:00p - 6:00p
April 24, 2020
4:00p - UNTIL
Any questions?
Email : westwoodhighcheer@gmail.com
Friday, March 6, 2020
High School Cheer Tryouts...
Westwood High School
Cheerleading Tryouts is here!! Get ready for a new and fresh year!!
We will have TWO interest meetings and you MUST attend one in order to tryout! The first meeting will be March 6, 2020 during lunch for students interested! The second meeting will be March 10, 2020 for parents! Returning parents at 5:30pm - New parents at 6:30pm! We will discuss schedule, team requirements, financial obligations and any questions you may have!
The date of tryouts will be April 21st through the 24th! Times are as follows:
Tuesday - Thursday 4:00pm- 6:30pm
Friday 4:00pm Until
We will also host a cheer clinic prior to spring break! April 6-10 from 4:00p-6:00p! What is this clinic for? We will go over all basics of traditional cheerleading, stomp n shake, competitive and sport specific conditioning! This is for anyone who is interested in the sport! You must have your UPDATED PHYSICAL (dated after April 1, 2020) ON FILE OR READY TO SUBMIT upon arrival!
We can not wait to see you all at this years tryouts!! This is gonna be our best year yet!
Cheer Information
Interest Meetings :
March 6, 2020 during Lunch
March __, 2020 @ 5:30p & 6:30p
Cheer Tryout Clinic:
April 6, 2020 - April 10, 2020
4:00p - 600p
April 21, 2020 - April 23, 2020
4:00p - 6:00p
April 24, 2020
4:00p - UNTIL
Any questions?
Email : westwoodhighcheer@gmail.com
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