The SC Ready / SC PASS Test will take place on the following dates:
ELA Day 1 (writing) May 10th
ELA Day 2 (reading) May 11th
Math May 15th
Science (for 6th and 8th grades) May 16th
Social Studies (for grade 7th) May 16th
This year students will have access to hard copies of the ELA passages for Day 1 and Day 2 and will submit their answers online using their Chromebooks. For Math, Science, and Social Studies, students will have test questions presented to them online using their Chromebook and will submit their answers online.
Parents and students can access the online training tools for all four tests using the following site from the SC Department of Education by going to: wbte.drcdirect.com/SC/por tals/sc
Some things to keep in mind to prepare your child for testing:
- Please avoid schedulng appointments for your child on this day. We cannot guarantee when the test will end, and the tests cannot be suspended to be resumed the next day once a student starts the test.
- Encourage your child to get a good night's sleep.
- Have your child charge his / or her Chromebook the night before each test and bring the charger to school.
- Please have your child report any damage to his / her Chromebook to Mr. Abernathy prior to testing starting.
- Arrive to school on-time. Students who come to school tardy may end up taking their tests in an alternate testing locationor on a make-up testing day.
- Encoourage your child to take his/her time, to read all of the passages and questions carefully, use the scratch paper provided to take notes, write rough drafts, or work out problems, and to do his / her personal best.
- Encourage your child to eat a healthy breakfast.
Brochures went home with each student with information about these tests with their report cards on April 10th.
If you have any questions, please contact Denise Webster at dwebster@richland2.org or at 691-6850, ext. 85434.
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