Attention Parents!
The SC Ready test will take place on the following dates: ELA Day 1 May 2nd, ELA Day 2 May 3rd, and Math May 4th. The SC PASS will take place on May 9th for Science and May 10th for Social Studies. The ELA Field test will take place on May 11th. This year all portions of the test will be online for students using the Chromebook. Parents and students can access the online training tools provided by the SC State Department of Education by going to: https://wbte.drcedirect.com/S
Some tips to help prepare students for this test are to get a good night's rest, charge their device overnight and bring the charger to school, eat a healthy breakfast, and arrive to school on time. Students tardy to school will test in an alternate testing location as not to disturb testing that will have started in homeroom. Parents, please encourage your student to take their time, read all questions carefully and do their best!