The first 9 weeks has come to a close. As we continue to forge ahead during the 2016-2017 School Year, we ask that our students and parents continue to be mindful of our school rules and procedures. Many of these rules and procedures are in place to ensure student safety and ensure that we make the most out of our instructional day:
1) Please do not drop students off at school before 6:50. If you arrive before 6:50 a.m. we ask that you please pull forward in your vehicle as far as possible and remain in the car with your child until a member of the school faculty/staff or School Resource Officer gives the clearance to enter the building. At no time should students be left unattended on the benches in front of the school nor at the door in back of the school. This is for your child’s safety.
2) Car riders must be picked up by 3:00 p.m. Students remaining on campus after the 3:00 pickup time will be sent to our Charger Pride aftercare program to ensure adult supervision. Students sent to Charger Pride will be charged a daily rate of $15.
3) Students are tardy to school if they are not in their class, in their seats by 7:30. Please see your student's agenda book regarding consequences for tardies. Our goal for this school year is "zero tardies." We are working diligently to meet this goal. When students are late for school they miss valuable instructional time.
4) Please note that 2:00 is the latest that a student may be signed out for early dismissal. If a parent wishes to check out his/her child from school during the day because of a doctor/dentist appointment or other valid reason, the parent is requested to report to the receptionist area no later than 2:00 p.m.
Finally, as a reminder, our 1st nine weeks report cards will be issued Thursday, October 27th and our first Honor Roll Parade of the school year will be Friday,
November 4th.
As always, we thank
you for your continued support.