Tuesday, December 22, 2020
Happy Winter Break...
Counselor's Corner ~ Counseling Office Information...
This month our Career Development Facilitator, Lara Schmitz, visited 8th grade classrooms and administered a career interest inventory from the South Carolina Career Information System and students began working on their Individual Graduation Plan (IGP). An IGP is a road map that guides students toward their education, career, and employment goals. IGPs include general graduation requirements, coursework and out-of-classroom learning opportunities related to a student’s chosen career cluster of study. IGPs help students align high school courses with their personal and/or career interests and goals. Students have an IGP conference each year beginning in the 8th grade, to review and make any changes. 8th Grade students will continue to work on their Individual Graduation Plan presentation during PLT and will present it to their parents, counselors and career development facilitator. You should receive the appointment information for your 8th graders IGP conference a few weeks before the scheduled appointment. We will begin these conferences during the latter part of January and they will run through March.
PSAT scores are in. If your 8th grade student took the PSAT in October, the score results are in. Please visit collegeboard.org and create an account for your student in order to access their scores.
In January, school counselors will be in the classrooms to talk to students about goal setting, study skills, and academic success. The development of strong study skills is important to achieving academic success in school. This foundation will ultimately carry on later in life. Skills such as eliminating distractions at home while studying, having all the tools needed to stay organized, learning to plan out projects or assignments, paying attention, understanding directions , and learning how to study, can build a firm academic foundation.
A wonderful quote by Bruce Lee is “Knowledge will give you power, but character respect.”. We want to congratulate our November Character of the Month students who were nominated by their teachers for displaying outstanding character: Katharine Daugherty, Danaih Jones, Anthony King, Amaria Lanier, Claudia Matthews, James McGee, Pamelya McGill, Preston McKee, Elli Nels, Caroline Powell, Morgan Simon, and Elijah White.
We are looking forward to our next Character Recognition Celebration on January 27.
Last, but not least, please take a few moments this month to do something that you enjoy doing. Here are a few self-care activities that you can engage in: Write down 3 nice things about yourself, Step outside for some fresh air, do a short mindfulness breathing exercise or listen to a song that makes you smile. You have to first take care of yourself in order to take care of others.
Monday, December 21, 2020
Counselor's Corner ~ Counseling Office Information...
This month our Career Development Facilitator, Lara Schmitz, visited 8th grade classrooms and administered a career interest inventory from the South Carolina Career Information System and students began working on their Individual Graduation Plan (IGP). An IGP is a road map that guides students toward their education, career, and employment goals. IGPs include general graduation requirements, coursework and out-of-classroom learning opportunities related to a student’s chosen career cluster of study. IGPs help students align high school courses with their personal and/or career interests and goals. Students have an IGP conference each year beginning in the 8th grade, to review and make any changes. 8th Grade students will continue to work on their Individual Graduation Plan presentation during PLT and will present it to their parents, counselors and career development facilitator. You should receive the appointment information for your 8th graders IGP conference a few weeks before the scheduled appointment. We will begin these conferences during the latter part of January and they will run through March.
PSAT scores are in. If your 8th grade student took the PSAT in October, the score results are in. Please visit collegeboard.org and create an account for your student in order to access their scores.
In January, school counselors will be in the classrooms to talk to students about goal setting, study skills, and academic success. The development of strong study skills is important to achieving academic success in school. This foundation will ultimately carry on later in life. Skills such as eliminating distractions at home while studying, having all the tools needed to stay organized, learning to plan out projects or assignments, paying attention, understanding directions , and learning how to study, can build a firm academic foundation.
A wonderful quote by Bruce Lee is “Knowledge will give you power, but character respect.”. We want to congratulate our November Character of the Month students who were nominated by their teachers for displaying outstanding character: Katharine Daugherty, Danaih Jones, Anthony King, Amaria Lanier, Claudia Matthews, James McGee, Pamelya McGill, Preston McKee, Elli Nels, Caroline Powell, Morgan Simon, and Elijah White.
We are looking forward to our next Character Recognition Celebration on January 27.
Last, but not least, please take a few moments this month to do something that you enjoy doing. Here are a few self-care activities that you can engage in: Write down 3 nice things about yourself, Step outside for some fresh air, do a short mindfulness breathing exercise or listen to a song that makes you smile. You have to first take care of yourself in order to take care of others.
Sunday, December 20, 2020
BMS Important Schedule Information...
Greetings Charger Families,
As a reminder, Richland Two will temporarily shift to eLearning for all students December 21st - 22nd, and again as we return from Winter Break, Jan. 4 – 15, 2021.
Fridays will continue to be asynchronous learning days during this time. Our front office will continue to be open in order to provide assistance to our parents and students.
Our modified Phase 2 eLearning schedule is being provided. We have also posted, for your convenience, our “Flex Friday Scheduled Assistance Time”. Remember, assistance times on Fridays are not mandatory, but should be utilized if students need additional help from their teachers. Fridays are NOT a day off for students. Students will have assignments posted by their teachers in Google Classroom.
If you have any questions, please contact the school, 803-691-6850.
Friday, December 18, 2020
Thursday, December 17, 2020
BMS Important Schedule Information...
Greetings Charger Families,
As a reminder, Richland Two will temporarily shift to eLearning for all students December 21st - 22nd, and again as we return from Winter Break, Jan. 4 – 15, 2021.
Fridays will continue to be asynchronous learning days during this time. Our front office will continue to be open in order to provide assistance to our parents and students.
Our modified Phase 2 eLearning schedule is being provided. We have also posted, for your convenience, our “Flex Friday Scheduled Assistance Time”. Remember, assistance times on Fridays are not mandatory, but should be utilized if students need additional help from their teachers. Fridays are NOT a day off for students. Students will have assignments posted by their teachers in Google Classroom.
If you have any questions, please contact the school, 803-691-6850.
Wednesday, December 16, 2020
Monday, December 14, 2020
Girl's Basketball Refund Information for 12/14/2020...
Greetings Charger Families,
If you purchased tickets for the girl’s basketball game today, December 14th, against Dent Middle School, you should have received a notification regarding your refund via email. Coach Smith and Mr. Jones have been in contact with Go Fan. The refund process usually takes 2-3 business days. If you have not received a notification via email, but purchased a ticket, please double check your email correspondence then reach out to Coach Smith or Mr. Jones at johnsmith@richland2.org or cjones@richland2.org
As always we appreciate your patience regarding this matter.
Sunday, December 13, 2020
Friday, December 11, 2020
Thursday, December 10, 2020
Wednesday, December 9, 2020
Tuesday, December 8, 2020
Monday, December 7, 2020
BMS Picture Day Information with Updates for eLearning Students...
Students who are attending school virtually for Phase 2 will have an option to come to BMS to have their picture made. You can make an appointment for your child using the link below. Again, this is only for students who are remaining at home for Phase 2.
Friday, December 4, 2020
BMS Picture Day Information with Updates for eLearning Students...
Students who are attending school virtually for Phase 2 will have an option to come to BMS to have their picture made. You can make an appointment for your child using the link below. Again, this is only for students who are remaining at home for Phase 2.
Thursday, December 3, 2020
Interim 1 Quarter 2 Available & Attendance for Homeroom-3rd Block Today...
Monday, November 30, 2020
BMS Basketball Letter...
Please click on the link below regarding important information about our upcoming basketball season:
BMS Picture Day Information with Updates for eLearning Students...
Students who are attending school virtually for Phase 2 will have an option to come to BMS to have their picture made. You can make an appointment for your child using the link below. Again, this is only for students who are remaining at home for Phase 2.
Sunday, November 29, 2020
A Few Reminders...
Greetings Charger Families,
We hope that everyone had a safe and enjoyable Thanksgiving break. Here are a few reminders as we return to teaching and learning tomorrow, November 30th.
We will resume our normal Phase 2 schedule for all students. As a reminder, homeroom begins at 7:50 for all students, eLearners and Face to Face students. We will also resume our Personalized Learning Time (PLT) for our eLearning and Face to Face students. Please see the schedule attached here.
As a reminder, if you desire to change your student’s current Learning Model, you may do so by contacting our Student Data Coordinator, Mrs. Tracy Martin at trmartin@richland2.org or by calling the school 803-691-6850 Ext. 85411.
Learning Model changes can be made through Thursday, December 3rd at 9:00 am and will be effective Monday, December 7th. The next date for Learning Model changes will be January 21st and will be effective January 26th.
Finally, Interim Reports will be available for viewing via Parent Portal on Wednesday, December 2nd.
If you have any questions, please contact the school.
Tuesday, November 24, 2020
BMS Picture Day Information with Updates for eLearning Students...
Students who are attending school virtually for Phase 2 will have an option to come to BMS to have their picture made. You can make an appointment for your child using the link below. Again, this is only for students who are remaining at home for Phase 2.
Friday, November 20, 2020
BMS Picture Day...
BMS eLearning Information for November 23rd & 24th...
Richland School District Two is designating Monday, November 23rd and Tuesday, November 24th as eLearning days. Blythewood Middle School will follow our Phase 2 schedule on these two days with a couple of slight modifications (students will not report to Homeroom and the PLT time will be designated for Academic Assistance as needed for students based on their class period). Please see the schedule here.
Wednesday, Nov. 25th – Friday, Nov. 27th remain district holidays for students and employees for the Thanksgiving Break. Schools will resume Classroom Communities in-person instruction at elementary schools and hybrid in-person instruction at middle and high schools on Monday, November 30th.
Thursday, November 19, 2020
BMS eLearning Information for November 23rd & 24th...
Richland School District Two is designating Monday, November 23rd and Tuesday, November 24th as eLearning days. Blythewood Middle School will follow our Phase 2 schedule on these two days with a couple of slight modifications (students will not report to Homeroom and the PLT time will be designated for Academic Assistance as needed for students based on their class period). Please see the schedule here.
Wednesday, Nov. 25th – Friday, Nov. 27th remain district holidays for students and employees for the Thanksgiving Break. Schools will resume Classroom Communities in-person instruction at elementary schools and hybrid in-person instruction at middle and high schools on Monday, November 30th.
Wednesday, November 18, 2020
BMS Picture Day...
BMS Virtual Book Fair...
Tuesday, November 17, 2020
BMS eLearning Information for November 23rd & 24th...
Richland School District Two is designating Monday, November 23rd and Tuesday, November 24th as eLearning days. Blythewood Middle School will follow our Phase 2 schedule on these two days with a couple of slight modifications (students will not report to Homeroom and the PLT time will be designated for Academic Assistance as needed for students based on their class period). Please see the schedule here.
Wednesday, Nov. 25th – Friday, Nov. 27th remain district holidays for students and employees for the Thanksgiving Break. Schools will resume Classroom Communities in-person instruction at elementary schools and hybrid in-person instruction at middle and high schools on Monday, November 30th.
Monday, November 16, 2020
BMS Picture Day...
Friday, November 13, 2020
Virtual Honor Roll Celebration...
Greetings Charger Families,
Friday, November 6, 2020
Virtual Veterans Day...
BMS has a proud tradition of hosting an annual Veterans Day Ceremony. While our ceremony will be different this year, we did not want to miss the opportunity to celebrate and recognize the men and women who have made great sacrifices for our country. Please help us continue this tradition by completing the form below for the veterans in your child's life. To have the veterans in your student's life recognized during our Virtual Veteran's Day Ceremony please complete the Virtual Veterans Day Recognition form using this link.