A Message from Mrs. Mazyck
We have made it through our first full week of school - that makes a total of 8 school days that we've put in for the 2014-15 school year and only 172 more to go! It's funny how time flies when you're having fun!
As I visit classrooms I am impressed with the teaching and learning that is taking place, the level of rigor and the high expectations that our teachers are setting daily. Please ask your child(ren) to share with you daily, something new, exciting or interesting that they have learned or how they may have extended their learning on a particular concept. Truly, we learn something new everyday.
Finally, I want to thank the entire faculty/staff of BMS, our students, parents and the best ever PTO for helping to ensure a smooth school opening.
Happy Labor Day! Enjoy your long weekend and we'll see you back on Tuesday, September 2, 2014 as we kickoff another exciting week of teaching and learning!